A passionate Mother and Holistic Therapist. My aim is to share my own experiences to raise awareness, offer support and an insight into my world of parenthood from fertility issues, pregnancy, loss, birth, OCD and being diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 45.
I created this blog site, March 2018, as I sat waiting in the hospital room in the ante natal triage department (a place to call on if you feel concerned about your pregnancy).
I felt a real need to ventilate my feelings as I was feeling anxious and although near to the end of my pregnancy, I thought it would be positive to record my experiences leading up to and into Motherhood especially with its trials, tribulations and losses along the way.
I soon realised though that this was not just about recording my experiences, I felt that it was more, and that I needed a platform to somehow manifest my ideas, which came from a diagnosis of postnatal OCD not long after the birth of my baby see here.
After the birth the blog posts gradually stopped. I had all the time in the world planned for my maternity but quickly realised that there was none available and still isn’t, as I try and get this site published two years on!
I have also been in limbo and I have been stuck in this for some time, but still working on the foundations of the project and trying to move forward with my ideas. All that is stopping me, is that first emotion that opened up its arms and suffocated me – FEAR.
We are all on our own journey and what is right for me may not be for another individual, however I have to stand in my own truth and be honest for how I feel. It is an honour to be a Mother and I feel blessed to be able to share my journey.
I feel quite strong about some topics and I often feel the world is sat on my shoulders and I need to be an advocate for our children’s futures. Sometimes I am not sure if it is the OCD nature I have or just my Motherly instincts for the way I feel and act. It is who I am.