Hypnobirthing,  Labour,  Meditation & Relaxation




The Positive Birth Company Digital Pack

I have found an online digital Hypnobirthing course that I am so passionate about sharing. It is filled with useful information, content and resources. Even if you think Hypnobirthing is not for you, it covers so many aspects towards a positive birth regardless of what way that goes. It is an affordable price and worth every penny of £35 and you can purchase by following the link. Six plus hours worth of videos and a course booklet along with some amazing MP3 guided meditations and more. You can follow it or jump in and out of it if time is running out!

Thankfully for me to remember, there are only 2 breathing techniques to try (in labour) which for me have been effective already in day to day situations or just to relax me. You can use and adapt in all situations were calm and balance needs to be restored.

If intervention is needed I feel confident and positive I can also have a gentle approach to birthing my baby something fear got in the way off.

The lady who teaches and leads the course is full of knowledge and explains even anatomy and physiology (bodily structures) with ease. It’s a wonderful tool to have at a very affordable price. I don’t work for them by the way I just think all pregnant ladies should have access to It! The NHS should have this readily available!

If you work in this field you should look at this to. You never stop learning and you need to move with the movement of positive birthing.

I think it’s brilliant after the few weeks I have had feeling stressed with appointments and talk that was freaking me out. I feel more able to deal with the situation instead of leaving distraught. Even the lady at triage commented how chilled I was today in comparison to last visits.

It was suggested at 37 weeks I could be induced on the basis that my negative blood type, rhesus negative could have antibodies and well babies fully formed, so why not! The antibodies wasn’t the issue it was my worries, fears, anxiety and questions that were not being dealt with effectively. The result was to offer INDUCTION (simpler to offer that than deal with me). This is how it felt anyway.

For me baby needs to be protected and nurtured until it is ready. The body will birth when it is ready unless there is or are any valid medical reason(s) not just because I MAY have antibodies and well it’s ok to do it at 37 weeks. I didn’t have immune antibodies in the end and even if I did it was not at risk to the baby as I was led to believe. So I could if I wasn’t so proactive and question everything, have a baby that went through a traumatic birth and wasn’t ready. Neither was I.

Then again last Saturday because of my maternal age and amount of visits (3) to triage I was offered a short time to make a decision whether I wanted to be induced again. I declined because they could not give me a valid medical reason other than what guidelines say. I’m an individual. Not a text book.

All my results were good and all babies monitoring results were as always “beautiful” so why disturb that unnecessarily?

Because I now know my rights and I am very lucky to be under a very understanding consultant I am being monitored. But there are questions I still ask and the B.R.A.I.N acronym came into use today. I learnt this when I read a book but didn’t take as much notice off it as i have done when learning about it on the course.

What is scary though is how easy it is to accept these interventions without question. Here it is:

B – benefits
R – risks
A – alternatives
I – intuition
N – nothing

If you want to take one thing from my posts, take the BRAIN acronym. It is so useful in LIFE.

So if you’re in a position to make a decision and you don’t know what to do you need to ask about the benefits and the risks – weigh it up. I was offered a sweep for the 2nd time this week. I said NO on Thursday but by today I’ve learnt it actually has risks of infection and waters breaking to early which can lead to induction and ending up on a Labour ward instead of midwife unit where I would like to be. This is covered on the course. I didn’t know this and I’m pretty thorough and proactive. The benefits – it may bring on Labour – but why do I need to do that at this stage? 39+5 (39 weeks 5 days until the official due date of 40 weeks).

What are the alternatives e.g I declined induction so what can I have instead? NICE states you do get monitored so look into that. I didn’t know that either which I learnt on the course. Luckily I push for answers anyway and so I am not one to just go along with things if it doesn’t feel right. But to actually have rights is very empowering

What does my body tell me (intuition) tricky one to trust but your body usually knows. Weigh it all up.

What happens if you do nothing for a short time to think about it. I chose this option last Saturday because I didn’t know what to do and I sought more help by demanding a scan and monitoring which was not available to me.

They were offering to induce me without any evidence that something was wrong and so I had my scan which was beautiful of course and so far so good. I had to push for it though as there were no appointments.

It is a day at a time. I was so scared last week and it is maybe that I have to have intervention for the safety of my baby. But at this stage my baby could of been taken from it’s safe secure environment before it is ready or necessary. Five weeks early if you take into consideration 37-42 weeks range.

I am the advocate of this baby, it’s guardian it’s mother. I am the person to make decisions and it is my right to do that.

I am not saying this is right for everyone it was for my individual circumstances. You make your own choices for the safety of you and your babie(s).

Intervention has it’s place. The reason they have guidelines is to prevent loss which I completely respect and understand. But again the risks and benefits of not intervening could outweigh and be more beneficial and positive for my baby and me than intervention. Ask questions.

I also learnt that you can take Hypnobirthing and the positivity with you in situations such as induction and C-section etc.

Hospitals are taking on this positive birth movement. Do not be afraid to ask. Some hospitals will do gentle c-Sections where you are able to have the lights dimmed, delayed cord clamping and skin to skin etc (if it is safe to do so). Don’t feel you are not entitled to have your wishes met – you need to ask.

So the course for me couldn’t come at a better time and I have to say the meditations and even the voice of the lady leading the course calms me right down. I’ve fallen into a deep sleep a few times now while listening and watching the videos which is excellent as I am relaxed but I really enjoy watching, listening and learning from them when I don’t fall asleep. They are not boring by the way. Every bit for me is so educating and interesting. The MP3s are really good to.

Such a valuable tool for anyone birthing or interested in this field.

It may not be for you if you are not interactive but for me I was going to attend a one on one course with another lady elsewhere and I was so disappointed that I had missed out. The distance to that place along with bad weather and timing made it impossible.

I found this link only on Thursday and I didn’t think I would get much time to watch it but I have been working my way through it. I feel full of positivity and strength and looking forward to meeting my new life that moves within me.

Here is a link to a playlist for a selection of useful videos. Press here for future post.

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