Three words to describe myself are – strong-willed, highly sensitive and spiritual.
If I had to relate myself to one animal for how I feel about being a Mother it would be a female BEAR. This is because we share the same quality in protecting our young. “A bear is the quintessential example of a Mothers Love and this is because of our fierce and protective nature.”
Budbaby is a creation that was born from me becoming a Mother and my aim is to be dedicated in helping others who are on the journey of becoming a parent, are a parent or for those who are simply interested in parenthood. The blog posts include all I have learnt through my pregnancy, my own positive and negative experiences that highlight we each have a voice that needs to be used. After all you are the advocate for your children especially when they have no voice. Do not be afraid of using your voice and ruffling a few feathers. Your children need you to do that.
I am a very open and honest person and these are my own thoughts, feelings and experiences. I am not here to advise you or deter you in making your own decisions and choices. I am neither a medical person so only you are responsible for you and your pregnancy. However I will be voicing my own research and findings because as an individual I also have a choice and being pregnant had left me with some difficult choices! I feel to share these experiences are important as I have found in groups that I am apart of – we all have a story and we can all learn from each other and support one another. There is no plan or no order. It will just unfold. Here is a brief timeline. I have had historic miscarriages but I will only talk about the ones from this time frame – 2016.
- I started my journey charting ovulation and fell pregnant. See here
- June 2016 – I had my first positive pregnancy test
- August 2016 – I had a missed miscarriage which resulted in a D&C in hospital via general anaesthetic. I was 11/12 weeks.
- March 2017 – I had a 2nd positive pregnancy test.
- March 2017 – I had a natural miscarriage at home. I was 5 weeks. It was one of the hardest I had endured.
- June 2017 – I had my 3rd positive pregnancy test.
- March 2018 – I am currently 38+6 days. Due anytime. I am 39 weeks tomorrow with a big decision to make. To be induced (not) ? See here
- 2018 – I was formally diagnosed with postnatal OCD (intrusive thoughts). See here
- June 2020 – 4th Positive Pregnancy test that resulted in a chemical pregnancy which is a very early loss (3rd loss). Currently sat with my daughter on my knee as I type. Life is as good as it can be with my girl smiling at me everyday. See here
- July 2020 – 5th positive pregnancy resulting in another biochemical pregnancy (4th loss). See here
- November 2020 – 6th positive pregnancy test. An incredibly difficult time at this point. Video Diaries #1
- November/December 2020 – 5th loss while I was speaking for a loved one at his funeral – the grief really started to hit me at this point. Video Diaries #2 #3 #4
- December 2020 – MVA Removal under local anaesthetic of 6th pregnancy (5th loss). Video Diaries #5
- January 2021 – 7th Positive Pregnancy test.
- January 2021 – Results of 6th Pregnancy – 5th loss – Edwards Syndrome.
- April 2021 – removal of 7th pregnancy (6th loss) which was meant to be a simple ward management day case but ended up in theatre under general anaesthetic.
- September 2022 – I birthed our 2nd earth child in the water which was our 8th Pregnancy.
- November 2024 – I was diagnosed with ADHD combined.
- 4th January 2025 – I have a lot to update so I will be doing just that.
I would like to add that although I have had some emotionally traumatic losses, that the Early Pregnancy Team at Burnley General Hospital have always been so supportive and I couldn’t of wished for a better place to be for my care. I would also like to say that some of my posts/videos may be a TRIGGER so please bear that in mind.
I hope that my experiences can offer some comfort, support and reassurance to those that may need it.