Baby Shower – Not me
I’ve never really had a social life like so many have since I returned from Spain. I left my friends behind and when I came back we had all moved on. Not to say we don’t contact one another and they are there when I need some support as I am should they ever need it. What has developed over the years is my spirituality in the Holistic world of Health and Wellbeing which has enabled me to meet like minded individuals and I tend to migrate at different times into different spaces. Being pregnant there is this knowing about Baby Showers and seeing big celebrations kind of made me…
Labour induction update (Not for me)
Following on from the post 18th March Induction? I had phone call on Monday while I was on my way to triage to say that no scan appointments were available until into the next week. I explained that I had been asked if I wanted to be induced and without a scan I would not make that decision based on guidelines and that if inducing me was necessary then a scan should be made available for me. They rang back and my scan was booked for that day along with CTG monitoring were they can record on a graph babies heart rate and movement. The lady who scanned me was…
Rhesus Negative
I’ll never forget the day when the midwife/nurse said to me before my D&C (Dilation and curettage) surgery from the missed miscarriage, “Did you know you are Rhesus Negative?” What the heck is that. This was the beginning of my Rhesus Negative journey that became an obsession or perhaps a focus through my grief of losing my much wanted pregnancy without any warning. It is still an obsession! No I didn’t know that. What does that mean then? Why is this relevant now? Why are you telling me this now? It turned out that I have a blood type that will cause issues in future pregnancies unless I have an…
Induced? (Not for me)
I was finally feeling content after my Rhesus Negative incident with the consultant after 10 days of wondering if I had antibodies (See Rhesus Negative Post)that could attack my babies blood cells. The consultant I prefer to see knows my anxieties and I rate her highly. I know that they have to follow guidelines and I know that what she said that day was to prepare me for what may lie ahead. However I was not prepared for what word she used and neither had I even thought about it. STILLBIRTH – pardon? Am I meant to take this on board. Is this something that I need to know about.…
First Post – The Beginning
This is the background to my journey and experiences. I have touched on these in other posts but felt it would be good to have this as it is the background and foundations for BudBaby. Here is my story. It’s a long one! November 2015 we decided that we would start trying for a baby. I had knowledge of my cycle for not getting pregnant, as I prefer natural birth prevention methods by tracking my ovulation/cycle chart. I was not successful in November but that was a bit of a hit and miss situation anyway with dates. December was Christmas so in my mind I would avoid that time thinking…