Induced? (Not for me)
I was finally feeling content after my Rhesus Negative incident with the consultant after 10 days of wondering if I had antibodies (See Rhesus Negative Post)that could attack my babies blood cells. The consultant I prefer to see knows my anxieties and I rate her highly. I know that they have to follow guidelines and I know that what she said that day was to prepare me for what may lie ahead. However I was not prepared for what word she used and neither had I even thought about it. STILLBIRTH – pardon? Am I meant to take this on board. Is this something that I need to know about.…
First Post – The Beginning
This is the background to my journey and experiences. I have touched on these in other posts but felt it would be good to have this as it is the background and foundations for BudBaby. Here is my story. It’s a long one! November 2015 we decided that we would start trying for a baby. I had knowledge of my cycle for not getting pregnant, as I prefer natural birth prevention methods by tracking my ovulation/cycle chart. I was not successful in November but that was a bit of a hit and miss situation anyway with dates. December was Christmas so in my mind I would avoid that time thinking…