Baby Celebrations

Baby Shower – Not me

I’ve never really had a social life like so many have since I returned from Spain. I left my friends behind and when I came back we had all moved on. Not to say we don’t contact one another and they are there when I need some support as I am should they ever need it.

What has developed over the years is my spirituality in the Holistic world of Health and Wellbeing which has enabled me to meet like minded individuals and I tend to migrate at different times into different spaces.

Being pregnant there is this knowing about Baby Showers and seeing big celebrations kind of made me wonder should I do something. Some girls where I run my business from were planning something for me which really touched me but I realised it wasn’t me. There thoughts, cards ad gifts were very special to me.

I then told them and we arranged a lunch that did not happen due to a funeral I had on the same day.

I was actually feeling that none of those plans were me and that I didn’t need a big event but rather my own personal blessing.

I thought about a blessing ceremony with the group of people I sometimes met with but it didn’t happen.

What seemed more important was to go and visit the place where I prayed and asked for help with one of my friends who was also on that journey with me in helping me. She took me to the place and on one visit I was drawn to a particular tree. Throughout my pregnancy I have visited this tree and asked for protection and guidance for baby and me.

I visited the tree a couple of weeks ago. The energy it emitted was incredible. It felt like we had been blessed.

Tonight I met with 3 friends making us a 4 and we have been following the wheel of the year and the seasons changing. We gather together discuss what is going on in that season or celebration, we do a short meditation and learn from each other.

As we are now in the Spring Equinox it seemed only right that my baby recieved a blessing from us all and again the energy in that moment was so special.

I feel honored to be so in touch with nature, to not want or need a big event but a few moments of pure focus and energy for my baby. It is nice that people do what they do to honor the arrival of there child but I wonder how many people really connect to the moment.

So no baby shower for me but nature and blessings.



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