Baby Sign Language

  • Baby Groups,  Baby Sign Language

    Baby Sign

      “Child development specialists have produced decades of research showing that the environment of a child’s earliest years can have effects that last a lifetime”. The brain of a child absorbs so much and changes so much in the first 3 years of life. I played classical music in the background when I could as I researched that It was beneficial in brain development and to be honest I didn’t need any evidence or research to back this up. I am a true believer in sound therapy. I had always been interested in sign language and felt after looking into it, it would be beneficial for our communication. I…

  • Baby Sign Language,  Motherhood,  Nursery


    It’s been a while. I’m not even sure if I have spelt “Hazey” correctly, but then it sums up how I am feeling today and for the last few days. 14 months since my life changed and wow how it does. Nothing can prepare you apart from living it. I’ve reached exhaustion! I’m very happy but for some unknown reason this last week I’ve hit what could be similar to baby blues that came in the first few weeks post birth. I could almost think I was pregnant again except I am not after two very heavy periods, not something I have been used to, another change to my body…

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