Inducing Labour

  • BRAIN Acronym,  Inducing Labour,  Sweeps

    Sweeps & Inducing Labour (Not for me)

    I’m feeling very frustrated lately. It worries me when I hear people saying they are booked in for a sweep if their baby is late. Late being the estimated due date of 40 weeks. I am hearing this at 40 weeks and under. But 42 weeks is given for a full term pregnancy. Why not wait until nearer 42 weeks or at least from 40 weeks if it is safe to do so and really valid? Are we informed enough about sweeps and the risks and benefits? It has a place but it’s to easily offered or it was to me, but itvis in the guidelines to offer it, therefore…

  • Inducing Labour

    Labour Induction (Not for me)

    Three times I have been offered Labour Induction with no medical grounds. I find it appalling that this can be offered so easily and without informing me of the BENEFITS or RISKS. See the post on BRAIN acronym and in more detail how I have used it to challenge this here. I ask you to read the NICE guidelines on labour induction here This is an excerpt below from the website: “Induced labour has an impact on the birth experience of women. It may be less efficient and is usually more painful than spontaneous labour, and epidural analgesia and assisted delivery are more likely to be required. Induction of labour is a relatively…

  • Inducing Labour,  Meditation & Relaxation,  Pregnant,  Waiting for baby

    40 Weeks EDD

    Today is the big day 26th March 2018 my estimated due date (EDD). I am 40 weeks! Except there is no baby but I always new that the estimated due date for me was not going to be relative because I am no text book and I do not fit into that range. They also predict the date based on the first day of the last period, so in theory, if you do follow the NHS textbook you can not even conceive for the first two weeks. I conceived on and around day 9. See post here. Anyway I was in the very early stages, my examination and notes confirm…

  • Inducing Labour

    Labour induction update (Not for me)

    Following on from the  post 18th March Induction? I had phone call on Monday while I was on my way to triage to say that no scan appointments were available until into the next week. I explained that I had been asked if I wanted to be induced and without a scan I would not make that decision based on guidelines and that if inducing me was necessary then a scan should be made available for me. They rang back and my scan was booked for that day along with CTG monitoring were they can record on a graph babies heart rate and movement. The lady who scanned me was…

  • BRAIN Acronym,  Inducing Labour

    Induced? (Not for me)

    I was finally feeling content after my Rhesus Negative incident with the consultant after 10 days of wondering if I had antibodies (See Rhesus Negative Post)that could attack my babies blood cells. The consultant I prefer to see knows my anxieties and I rate her highly. I know that they have to follow guidelines and I know that what she said that day was to prepare me for what may lie ahead. However I was not prepared for what word she used and neither had I even thought about it. STILLBIRTH – pardon? Am I meant to take this on board. Is this something that I need to know about.…

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