
  • OCD,  Placenta,  Post Birth,  Postnatal OCD

    Placenta Printing

    I was at an antenatal class and we were given the option to see a placenta. Being very interested in the human body, I jumped at the chance. There was only about three of us interested in seeing it out of the whole group which is a good indication of how little people know or choose not to know about this incredible organ. There is no information offered with the option of seeing so I do feel that it should be presented in a more informed way into the sessions so at least people are more aware of there options and choices. We went into a room and the midwife…

  • Cord clamping,  Labour,  Placenta

    Delayed Cord Clamping

    This is something I am very passionate about. Most of what I have discovered I realised was good before really researching it. My instinct told me that delayed cord clamping was the right thing to do for baby. (Image added 2020) We are so lucky to be having babies as this positive birth movement progresses. We need educating and we need to educate each other by sharing knowledge and learning. When a baby is born it’s placenta is what has provided it with everything baby needs to grow. When they used to cut the cord straight away 1/3 blood volume was left behind. You can request that the cord is…

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