Postnatal OCD

  • OCD,  Placenta,  Post Birth,  Postnatal OCD

    Placenta Printing

    I was at an antenatal class and we were given the option to see a placenta. Being very interested in the human body, I jumped at the chance. There was only about three of us interested in seeing it out of the whole group which is a good indication of how little people know or choose not to know about this incredible organ. There is no information offered with the option of seeing so I do feel that it should be presented in a more informed way into the sessions so at least people are more aware of there options and choices. We went into a room and the midwife…

  • OCD,  Perinatal OCD,  Post Birth,  Postnatal OCD


    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) When my baby was born it was like a light switch of emotions that filled me from head to toe with pure love – something I have never felt before. I had the most amazing birth which I will share in due time.  However from the moment my baby was born something else also surfaced – fear and worry. Within the first few days I felt completely overwhelmed, exhausted, my anxiety levels on people being around me and my baby was horrendous. The thoughts of her being harmed by things like hot drinks and all sorts of scenarios that my mind presented me with, that I…

  • CBT,  Perinatal OCD,  Post Birth,  Postnatal OCD

    It’s been a while – Living with OCD

    I have been thinking a lot lately about this site, what it was meant for (where did time go) what I want to achieve from it. How I was meant to be recording my maternity days, being a new Mum, the trials and tribulations. I’d say I’ve had my fair share and it is ongoing. I want to reach out to Mothers who may suffer silently with the post pregnancy stages of Motherhood. I can only reach out to other Mothers because I believe that hormonal changes are responsible for the way that I am. I am reaching out to all females who have carried and birthed a child. This…

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