Charting,  Fertility

Charting fertility

In order to get pregnant an egg has to be fertilised by a sperm. There is a small window off opportunity when the egg is released in the female of around 48 hours. If you are struggling with becoming pregnant then charting is probably going to be a big part of your life. It can become addictive and a habit – ovulation and pregnancy tests!

The charting calendar above is in relation to my last miscarriage. As you can see for a first trimester pregnancy of 9 weeks the whole process of becoming pregnant, losing the pregnancy and waiting for the first period after that procedure was 4 months.

The first day you start a period is classed as day 1. You can see 5th October in the top right corner there is a number (25) this is a continuation of the days since day 1 of the period starting.

On the 6th October it is day (26) but I came on my period that day (early for me by two days) so it overlaps and it becomes day 1 again, the start of a new period.

The days continue and on day 28 which is 2nd November (green circle) I would expect my period to have started (based on a 28 day cycle which is my normal – normally)

I already knew I was pregnant as I’d already had positive tests but once the days go past day 28/day 1 (my expected period) it is a late period and for me a missed period as I was pregnant.

Day 65 – 9th December (orange circle) is the day I had the pregnancy removed (9 weeks counting from the first day of your last period – which for me was 6th October (yellow circle). They date your pregnancy and due date from the first day of your last period (yellow circle).

After the MVA (orange circle) it was 6 weeks and 2 days for the start of my first period day 1 (blue circle). The cycle starts again.

You can see 30th January has tiny green dots on it. This is the apps prediction off ovulation. I ovulate around day 9,10,11 in my past pregnancies but text book says I would ovulate on day 14. It is important to look for other signs, once you get to know your own signs and body you just know, but ovulation sticks are helpful and they helped me chart and get pregnant in the earlier days.

I hope this helps to understand it more.


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