Cord clamping,  Labour,  Placenta

Delayed Cord Clamping

This is something I am very passionate about. Most of what I have discovered I realised was good before really researching it. My instinct told me that delayed cord clamping was the right thing to do for baby. (Image added 2020)

We are so lucky to be having babies as this positive birth movement progresses.

We need educating and we need to educate each other by sharing knowledge and learning.

When a baby is born it’s placenta is what has provided it with everything baby needs to grow. When they used to cut the cord straight away 1/3 blood volume was left behind. You can request that the cord is cut when the cord has stopped pulsating if it is safe to do so of course. This ensures baby receives all its own blood.

That way baby gets all it needs and why shouldn’t it. It’s grown and been nurtured by it’s placenta which is attached to the cord.

For me personally I will be hopefully keeping the placenta to make prints from and I will add the link here if I do.

I find the placenta a fascinating organ and it has grown and kept my baby going. It needs to be honoured. It is not waste material in my eyes. Did you know it is classed as hospital waste.

There are many interesting videos to search on this topic. I have created a playlist to watch below and a link here for more information.

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