Inducing Labour

Labour induction update (Not for me)

Following on from the  post 18th March Induction? I had phone call on Monday while I was on my way to triage to say that no scan appointments were available until into the next week.

I explained that I had been asked if I wanted to be induced and without a scan I would not make that decision based on guidelines and that if inducing me was necessary then a scan should be made available for me.

They rang back and my scan was booked for that day along with CTG monitoring were they can record on a graph babies heart rate and movement.

The lady who scanned me was absolutely amazing, she explained everything so well and I just felt a connection to her. My babies scan at that present moment was “Beautiful” a word that has been used throughout my pregnancy journey by quite a few medical people.

I was so happy and positive when I left the room until I entered CTG and felt up against negativity again when explaining my story. The nurse/midwife had obviously not got the full extent of why I was there and after some  debate of me not being text book and not to put me into categories she left the room and returned with a different attitude. Perhaps my name is on the system as a complainer.

In the end all the readings and results were fine and for me there was no reason and in fact no talk of even seeing a consultant to discuss being induced until Thursday when I see my own. I presume on that day we form a plan.

But I am still wishing in some ways the word was never mentioned and I could carry on in my pregnancy bliss minus the blips.

My baby has had a quieter day today. Movement is there  it happens but it is different. It doesn’t hurt me as much. Perhaps baby has moved inwards so I’m not being kicked as much. I still get the tightening and I get more like gentle movements like rolling and like when I first felt my baby move. I’m getting little digs. So is this classed as movement because triage are great but they don’t educate you in the definition  of movement.

So my journey continues. Still no signs of my babies arrival.

This is a link from the NHS with more information.

It is always important to weigh up the risks of both options. To induce or not to induce?

For me after reading this article I still feel there are no medical reasons to go ahead with it. 



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