Loss,  Medical Management,  Miscarriage

#1 Medical Management – Inpatient

I’ve been very quiet. Life gave me a surprise, one that wasn’t planned so to speak.

It came after a loss in December that was sadly due to Edwards’ Syndrome. That was a shock and I suppose that started the internal deep cleansing and healing that I’ve been needing for sometime.

Today I came into hospital with my surprise after its beautiful beating heart stopped ♡

I thought by 2pm I would be home but here I am and this little soul although not “alive” seems to be happily floating around in my womb.

I fear loss it’s a theme in my life and today I have been cleansing and healing very deeply, writing poetry and thoughts down.

My blog has come alive again after a dormant few months and oddly my soul has seen the light today and the wheel of my life is turning once again.

I have become stagnant in my losses, not really grieving, almost looking in as a stranger to myself, so easily able to share my journey.

So although I’m holding on to my beautiful heartbeat it is time to let it go to the light with its other siblings.

Loss is personal and not measurable.

Watch video #2

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