Complementary Therapies



I regularly have complementary therapies to help with my health and wellbeing. I have different therapists I see for different needs such as a sports massage for my back issues, Reiki when i feel out of balance energetically, Reflexology for balance and relaxation and so on.

My journey working with Sheila my reflexologist started after my miscarriage and saw me through another miscarriage and then this pregnancy.

I honestly don’t know if I’d  of coped without that support for my body and my mind. Reflexology works on the principle that everything that you are is reflected in the feet and so by working on the feet you are treating the whole body. I couldn’t agree more. If you can’t  take that on board then think about all the nerve endings in the feet and by stimulating them you are working the whole body.

Along with my treatments we worked with Crystals, meditation and in particular visualisation techniques.

I guided these primarily as Sheila worked around me holding the energy and working on my Chakras and Aura.

We went with the flow with no plan and it was in this time that I discovered through visualisation that I needed to allow my body to heal itself from the trauma I had been through.

One of the things I visualised was to go into my womb that seemed stagnant and dark. I asked for golden light to fill and heal this darkness and I could see my ovaries and Fallopian tubes particularly on the left side just looked so unhealthy. I wasn’t surprised the Dr told me my eggs were no good! That’s from bloods of course.

I worked on this over 3 sessions and the last session I saw a big golden egg. I knew this egg would be the start of new life. Over the next 3 months I visualised and could see the egg in my minds eye regularly. It looked like a big golden wrapped up chocolate Easter egg.  I asked it to keep filling me with golden light.

One day I saw it and it had a crack in it and I was mortified. All I could think was my egg was going to become redundant.

I kept seeing the crack but then it suddenly occurred to me that it could be symbolic of the ovaries and the crack allowed the egg to be released.

I was pregnant.

I continued to have Reflexology for a short time until my body felt inclined to have massage. I have recently returned to Reflexology because I felt guided to and I definitely needed it to balance and relax me before Labour. I have had 3 treatments so far this week in preparation. I value it so much.

When you are pregnant it is not recommended to have any treatment for 12 weeks. However I choose to because my body is used to receiving treatment The guidelines are there because the first 12 weeks are a delicate time. This is my 3rd pregnancy since 2016 and I had no treatment with my first but I still lost.

I am a Holistic Sports Massage Therapist myself and I follow the guidelines for treating others but sometimes and it happens clients are pregnant and they don’t even know!

My choice has been to receive therapies to aid in my stages of pregnancy and with working in this field with  my back taking extra pressure it has truly helped me in many ways.

I couldn’t walk before Christmas and I saw an Osteopath that fixed me in 2 treatments. The midwifes indicated that I had SPD

Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is a condition that causes excessive movement of the pubic symphysis, either anterior or lateral, as well as associated pain, possibly because of a misalignment of the pelvis. … SPD is associated with pelvic girdle pain and the names are often used interchangeably.

Which was completely distressing to be told I may end up in a wheel chair. Anyway I didn’t. I saw the Osteopath. I am still waiting for them to return my call to receive physio.

So I am feeling very relaxed after my session tonight and ready for a peaceful sleep.


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