#Poem 2 – The Long Night – warning content is sensitive
Content warning – this post discusses historic suicidal feelings in the hope to help others know that they are not alone and that I am so grateful I am able to be here to share my own personal experiences with you. If you need to reach out for help please follow the link by pressing > Samaritans
#1 Poetry – Stones
When you feel blocked to write, your communication and expression is blocked and it stores up and so I don’t feel this Poem is necessarily completely prominent for the actual time period it was written August 2023, more a collection of events over the years triggered by a situation that then allowed my mind to process and release onto my digital note pad which was a new experience as I love pens and paper. I have a lot to say about a lot, and I like to film on Wednesdays to post on Fridays, but on Wednesday, I was struggling to put into words what I wanted to talk…
Neurodivergent Stage
ADHD Diagnosis is not a trend
The video and blog can be slightly different in content. A message – it’s not ok, that I’m not ok. A message to all those who think ADHD and the recent increase in diagnosis is just another trend. Try living with misdiagnosis all your life, feeling different and not understanding until the age of 45 why. Then add a potential Autism diagnosis just to conflict how your brain functions and living with a conflict daily. This is not a joke. There is a difference between living with a condition and living with a disorder. Be respectful and let those people who have struggled throughout their whole lives have the validation…
40 Weeks Pregnant
Following on from the last post see here. But then… I was pregnant!!! I am led here in bed thinking I should have updated this sooner but I resisted it all because I was so scared of loss and still am. But any day up until the next 2 weeks I pray my baby will be safely in my arms. Today I had my Reflexlogy which has been my support throughout my losses and pregnancies and I just felt reconnected to this idea that I had in 2018 and I just want to develop it more. So here I am with so much to say about this pregnancy. What I’ve…
Trisomy 14
It’s been sometime since I have updated my blog. I had every intention but life just took a backward step and I just needed time to process my losses from the start but in particular the last two as I had answers after they were tested. Although I felt fortunate to be in a position to have answers, the answers didn’t make any sense to me. I started to give up hope of ever having another child again with my run of bad luck. My last two pregnancies were both Chromosome issues and the process of conception to loss and removal just took so much time and so much out…
Not OK
It’s been a tough week. I’ve found myself in some strange places hiding while I sort myself out. I’m currently sat in Tesco carpark having a mini picnic, drinking a non-alcoholic larger wondering if I can even legally drive! Now I’m not pregnant I can drink again (except I stopped drinking the non-alcoholic larger when I fell pregnant-odd I know I am!) I feel incredibly guilty sat here drinking thinking what must people think of me, something I need to stop doing. I had a breakdown today at a hospital appointment. Nothing to do with the actual appointment. I had no idea why I was so emotional and I would…
#4 Emotional Loss
I’m feeling it today physically and mentally. Feel so unwell.
#3 Medical Management Post D&C
This video follows on from videos #1 and #2 This video is post D&C which is a procedure to remove pregnant tissue from a miscarriage. I share my experiences in the hope to help others.
#2 Medical Management Inpatient
This video follows on from Video #1 I went into hospital for a medically managed miscarriage that didn’t go to plan and resulted in a D&C theatre under general Anesthetic. Those that follow my journey know the history but for those of you that don’t this is my 2nd managed miscarriage during the lockdown period which means it is controlled through the hospital and not natural/Spontaneous at home, the last one being in December which was an MVA see here. See About for a timeline of my experiences as this is my 8th loss in my lifetime so far.
Heartbeats no more
Your little heart beating gave me hope, Hope I have seen before and lost, But I still focused on holding you in my arms, I created a future, I painted our life on a blank canvas – but that’s not a reality, maybe you’re my final message. I waited patiently for those seconds that seem to take forever, I emptied my bladder but I thought maybe you were still there, I held onto hope for so many seconds more as the probe entered into darkness. There you were perfectly formed, perfectly protected by my progesterone uterus, But your heart wasn’t beating anymore and you were floating around not wanting to…
#1 Medical Management – Inpatient
I’ve been very quiet. Life gave me a surprise, one that wasn’t planned so to speak. It came after a loss in December that was sadly due to Edwards’ Syndrome. That was a shock and I suppose that started the internal deep cleansing and healing that I’ve been needing for sometime. Today I came into hospital with my surprise after its beautiful beating heart stopped ♡ I thought by 2pm I would be home but here I am and this little soul although not “alive” seems to be happily floating around in my womb. I fear loss it’s a theme in my life and today I have been cleansing and…
I’m in hospital waiting for my pregnancy to let go. I’m doing a lot of cleansing. I’m listening to music. I’m writing poetry again. I’ve just written this on my feelings off loss. It’s not a poem. I’ll post my poem when it’s finished. I’m happy but there is an underlying current of fear that revolves around loss. At any time the current can change and take the people I love away – I never underestimate that. My first loss was my Grandma. At that time I was sad but I seemed to accept it more easily, at that age than any later loss. The losses of other family members…
Edwards’ Syndrome
After the last miscarriage and documented video Diaries I decided it was a time of healing and contemplation. I had no plans to get pregnant quite the opposite, but I had a mild suspicion that I could possibly be but it was not in ovulation but before. So it was a slim chance but as I have said sperm can survive no matter how clean you are. Once it’s in and swimming it will seek out that one egg if you are fertile and its been released and that’s exactly what happened. Around the time of a consultant appointment I had a another confirmed pregnancy. But at the same time…
Charting fertility
In order to get pregnant an egg has to be fertilised by a sperm. There is a small window off opportunity when the egg is released in the female of around 48 hours. If you are struggling with becoming pregnant then charting is probably going to be a big part of your life. It can become addictive and a habit – ovulation and pregnancy tests! The charting calendar above is in relation to my last miscarriage. As you can see for a first trimester pregnancy of 9 weeks the whole process of becoming pregnant, losing the pregnancy and waiting for the first period after that procedure was 4 months. The…
109 Days
It’s been 109 days since my last period and 84 days since I missed my period and got numerous positive pregnancy tests. It’s been 50 days since I had the MVA procedure (miscarriage – removal of pregnancy tissue) and I thought I should update the weeks after this procedure because it is an unknown for so many. See previous post here. If you are interested in charting and how the above dates have been recorded see here. Even though this is the 2nd managed miscarriage through the EPU (Early pregnancy unit – meaning I have been treated at the hospital – a general (D&C) and a local anaesthetic (MVA) to…
Pregnancy Diaries #5 – Removal of miscarriage by MVA
The video and blog can be slightly different in content. This post contains content of a sensitive nature. This video covers pre and post procedure. The blog below covers my experiences of the actual procedure It’s 18.41 and after a long day at Burnley EPU I have got through the MVA procedure to remove the pregnancy that had ended. See previous posts #1-4 for background. Today I was 10 weeks 2 days pregnant, day 65 gestation from my first day of my last menstrual period. I arrived at 9.30am and by 10.30am I’d seen and spoken to the consultant who would be carrying out the procedure, had blood pressure checks…
Pregnancy Diaries #4 – Miscarriage
The video and blog can be slightly different in content. The 3rd scan and my partner was able to support me by being there so I was mentally nearly prepared for a miscarriage diagnosis but I had hoped for a heartbeat. We arrived and waited in a “quiet room” which is an improvement from my first EPU (Early Pregnancy Unit) miscarriage in 2016. They had said they would not leave me waiting unnecessarily but it was still a 20min wait but better than the previous 2 weeks off 45-60mins which of course is agonising when you are so anxious. I was taken in by a familiar face, in fact she…
Pregnancy Diaries #3 – Fetal pole but no heartbeat
The video and blog can be slightly different in content. I went for the 2nd scan after waiting for 10 days. The wait to go in was bad enough and then the examination and that familiar silence. My impatience taking over, asking if there is a heart beat. Hearing the sounds the sonographers make, then something is printing but still no answer. It’s awful waiting. The pregnancy has ended there is no heartbeat. I was in tears in disbelief but also not surprised. Why wouldn’t it be. But why now. Weeks in. I remember the natural miscarriage at 7 weeks was worst than the first one at 10/11 because at…
Pregnancy Diaries #2 – No fetal pole
The video and blog can be slightly different in content. It’s the night before my 2nd scan and I’m feeling incredibly nervous. My heart has been physically racing most of the night something I haven’t experienced for some time. My legs have felt shaky and weak and I have had gut pain. I feel short tempered and utterly confused with my life. I went for my ultrasound at 6 weeks 2 days (6+2) as they requested for me to do. A full bladder after having a natural birth has done me no favours. Waiting with a delay, then trying to walk into the room when they called me in was…
Pregnancy Diaries #1 – Positive test
The video and blog can be slightly different in content. I have a positive test. This is the 3rd confirmed pregnancy this year and my 6th pregnancy with my partner – we have one beautiful daughter. Fingers crossed there will a sister or brother for her. We were fortunate enough to have some isolation time and oddly that month my cycle came earlier, normally I am a 28 day cycle, so my period falls on day 28 which then becomes day 1 of a new cycle. I very rarely have ever had a shorter cycle but to my advantage I did which meant that my ovulation fell in the time…
Ovulation Update
A negative result last month (August) but I wasn’t really surprised it just reminds me that day 14 is not my fertile time which I knew but which text book would predict is the time to try. I have started to think about the prospect of not having a second child biologically but it has opened the door to other options as there are a lot of children out there that need someone to love them. Unfortunately my living situation will not support this at this time so It may be with my “older” age that I am limited in my choices. I am so lucky to have my…
To see all my video diaries press here. This is my cycle based on 28 days. We are all different and have different cycles so your dates will be different to mine. As promised some information on the app I use and how it works charting for ovulation. The app runs on an android platform for me and was free. I downloaded it via Google Play. It is simple and easy to follow and input data into it. It has recorded my information over the years that I often look back on to compare notes, dates, times of my cycle, positive/negative tests and my losses. See newer photo of chart Here…
To see how I chart my cycle see here This is my cycle based on 28 days. We are all different and have different cycles so your dates will be different to mine. Its day 9 and an ovulation window of opportunity approaching. I discuss my menstrual cycle and that I have a 28 day cycle. When I was following professional advice I was focused on day 14 as the most fertile day and I was not getting pregnant. Over time and with charting I realised that day 9 and 10 are when my fertile signs start to show. I talk about ovulation sticks, cervical fluid, fertility issues, egg reserve,…
Negative Test – Not Pregnant
This video is a follow on from Implantation signs see here. This is my cycle based on 28 days. We are all different and have different cycles so your dates will be different to mine. This month I did not get pregnant which was no surprise to me as I chart. In this video I discuss about charting and my use of natural birth methods. My menstrual cycle and ovulation, not arriving on day 14 which according to text book, would be my most fertile day! I include images of the charting app I have used for quite a few years.
Implantation Signs?
Follow up post here. This is my cycle based on 28 days. We are all different and have different cycles so your dates will be different to mine. Previously suffered 2 recorded chemical pregnancies (in lockdown). Reality is that I have thought I may have been pregnant in the past but the my period arrives within a few days. When I didn’t test for early pregnancy, I did not always know, so ultimately I actually think that I will have had more chemical pregnancies. I am now wondering If this is going to be a positive test and if it is perhaps a good sign with the implantation. Fingers crossed.
World Breastfeeding Week
The theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2020 is “Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet”. In line with this theme, WHO and UNICEF are calling on governments to protect and promote women’s access to skilled breastfeeding counselling, a critical component of breastfeeding support. Reference here I didn’t even want to breastfeed, I couldn’t stand the thought of myself doing it. I admired those that did but I didn’t feel comfortable with it. The anxiety of “breast is best” was always there in the back of my mind and as the birth was approaching my mindset started changing a little bit. I was asking questions to myself about just trying it, even…
Chemical Pregnancy II
This is a follow video from 5th Positive Pregnancy see here. This is my cycle based on 28 days. We are all different and have different cycles so your dates will be different to mine. In this video I talk about Chemical Pregnancy, faint lines on pregnancy tests, early detection, are you pregnant but not realising, chart plotting, testing early is not a bad thing, you could be getting pregnant and not even realising. This is really important if you are struggling with fertility. See post here.
5th Positive Pregnancy
For my video diaries see here This is my cycle based on 28 days. We are all different and have different cycles so your dates will be different to mine. I don’t try and hide that I’m pregnant in the early days because the family need to know, not because it’s exciting, but because of my emotions and mood if the pregnancy does not continue. I say “don’t get excited it’s a faint line”, meaning it could be no line within a short period of time. This is my 5th pregnancy with my partner but only one daughter. We are always hopeful. I am pregnant though yippee, at 40 still…
Baby Sign
“Child development specialists have produced decades of research showing that the environment of a child’s earliest years can have effects that last a lifetime”. http://www.urbanchildinstitute.org/why-0-3/baby-and-brain The brain of a child absorbs so much and changes so much in the first 3 years of life. I played classical music in the background when I could as I researched that It was beneficial in brain development and to be honest I didn’t need any evidence or research to back this up. I am a true believer in sound therapy. I had always been interested in sign language and felt after looking into it, it would be beneficial for our communication. I…
Our Birth Story
Updating soon
Chemical Pregnancy
I remember my losses. It is never easy losing a positive pregnancy however early I have been but I still feel nature had taken its course and with time life resumes. I still can never comprehend later losses and in some ways I have been blessed to have experienced mine for a short amount of time to try and understand and process it. I have to say now with my daughter the chemical pregnancies although not nice for me, it’s my body just doing what nature does and I believe in letting things be. So I hope that I am blessed again but I feel so honoured to have my…
The Positive Birth Company
I was in the last few weeks of my pregnancy and I had intended to try Yoga in preparation for my birth, but I just never got round to it. I dedicated a lot of my time to Complementary Therapies having regular massages and as I am a manual therapist I was busy working near to the end and I also swam when I could so I was physically active. However I had really wanted to do a HypnoBirthing course but the physical workshop I had booked was in Leeds and we had some horrendous weather when I was due to go both times so I had to let…
Placenta Printing
I was at an antenatal class and we were given the option to see a placenta. Being very interested in the human body, I jumped at the chance. There was only about three of us interested in seeing it out of the whole group which is a good indication of how little people know or choose not to know about this incredible organ. There is no information offered with the option of seeing so I do feel that it should be presented in a more informed way into the sessions so at least people are more aware of there options and choices. We went into a room and the midwife…
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) When my baby was born it was like a light switch of emotions that filled me from head to toe with pure love – something I have never felt before. I had the most amazing birth which I will share in due time. However from the moment my baby was born something else also surfaced – fear and worry. Within the first few days I felt completely overwhelmed, exhausted, my anxiety levels on people being around me and my baby was horrendous. The thoughts of her being harmed by things like hot drinks and all sorts of scenarios that my mind presented me with, that I…
It’s been a while. I’m not even sure if I have spelt “Hazey” correctly, but then it sums up how I am feeling today and for the last few days. 14 months since my life changed and wow how it does. Nothing can prepare you apart from living it. I’ve reached exhaustion! I’m very happy but for some unknown reason this last week I’ve hit what could be similar to baby blues that came in the first few weeks post birth. I could almost think I was pregnant again except I am not after two very heavy periods, not something I have been used to, another change to my body…
Sweeps & Inducing Labour (Not for me)
I’m feeling very frustrated lately. It worries me when I hear people saying they are booked in for a sweep if their baby is late. Late being the estimated due date of 40 weeks. I am hearing this at 40 weeks and under. But 42 weeks is given for a full term pregnancy. Why not wait until nearer 42 weeks or at least from 40 weeks if it is safe to do so and really valid? Are we informed enough about sweeps and the risks and benefits? It has a place but it’s to easily offered or it was to me, but itvis in the guidelines to offer it, therefore…
It’s been a while – Living with OCD
I have been thinking a lot lately about this site, what it was meant for (where did time go) what I want to achieve from it. How I was meant to be recording my maternity days, being a new Mum, the trials and tribulations. I’d say I’ve had my fair share and it is ongoing. I want to reach out to Mothers who may suffer silently with the post pregnancy stages of Motherhood. I can only reach out to other Mothers because I believe that hormonal changes are responsible for the way that I am. I am reaching out to all females who have carried and birthed a child. This…
Nursery Shock
Today my daughters place was withdrawn from an Ofsted “Outstanding” nursery. I am so upset. She was due to start in January. I have been planning my return to work around her placement. I feel like the rug has been pulled from under me. The nursery states that it “supports the whole family” except it has not supported that I am a first time Mother with high anxiety levels who just needed extra reassurance. If I am not given a direct answer to my questions, I question why I am not being given answers and I am suspicious. It is part of my OCD behaviour. I look for reassurance which…
The time arrived! I’d pondered when would be a good time to wean. I’d read 26 weeks (approximately 6 months) but I just felt that she was ready at 22 weeks to at least try. I originally thought I would start her on carrots but it wasn’t until I read Ellas Kitchen that it suggested potato first and carrots nearer the end of the two week period. It makes sense really as carrots have a sweeter taste. It is better to encourage savoury as opposed to sweet in the weaning stages to set a positive foundation for healthy eating for the future. We are on day 2 which was broccoli today.…
Formula Milk
When I was pregnant I didn’t like the idea of breastfeeding but I said I would at least try see post here. I did try and it became and still is the easiest option for me, especially night feeds and in the mornings when I can still get my sleep. I will be writing a post in the future on my experiences of breastfeeding in more detail. However it is a commitment and unless you are good at expressing, which for me I found difficult and is a time consuming and a lot harder than breastfeeding for me anyway, leaving my daughter was not an option. This suited me as…
5 Months!!!
Where does time go. The days, weeks and months pass so quickly. Photos are taken daily and they keep filling my space up on my phone but my daily record off being a Mother has become nil. I have to confess that social media has been taking over. When I am feeding and my daughter sleeps I become confined to the place I am in. It is easy to go through news feeds with my spare arm while I am feeding. It is easy to get caught into a world of negativity and conflict. This does not help with my head. It is something I have highlighted each week in…
Before I was pregnant I didn’t like the idea of breastfeeding. In fact it had been a big issue for me. I was very anxious about it. I’ve never had anything against Mother Nature and applauded it but I found that it made me feel uncomfortable and was not for me. Fast forward with a 18 week old daughter and I am a very dedicated breastfeeding Mother. I have been avoiding being involved with all the latest social media, news, programmes etc that is really tackling the subject because I have actually become so empowered by it I am like an advocate for it. I didn’t want to find myself…
Old Mum?
I think when you reach 35 you are classed as an older Mum. There are more chances of risks and so you are treated differently. For me whatever the age if you are healthy and you have conceived I think that you are and have as much right to be treated as any age. I get it, there maybe factors to consider but at any age there are risks. I was offered induction from week 37 and it surprises me how easily this is offered. If I was not pro-active I could of taken this option and the outcome post birth could be different. I am an advocate for my…
12 Weeks – A Girl ❤
I have had so much to write but Motherhood has taken over. I have been so overwhelmed but in a very positive way. We have done so much together the weeks have passed so quickly. I conquered my fears of breast feeding to actually becoming more off an advocate for it. I’ve mastered how to still have some chill time for me, receiving Reflexology while my daughter lays with me. I have found my feet with my new little feet that rely on me. I will be writing my full positive birth story in another post here. This is a summary of where I am up to so I can continue…
Is this the start?
I’m exhausted. I woke at 6.30am I was really thirsty and felt sickly. I went downstairs sometime after and returned to lie down at about 8.30am. I must of been in a deep sleep because my Mum had been pottering around and I’d not heard anything. I was aware that Wiggy was moving around a lot and striking my cervix regularly but I’d fallen asleep. I woke up to a cramp type feeling at 11.58am that lasted about a minute. I wondered if that was the start. As the day has gone on I have felt different. My tummy feels very very heavy and uncomfortable. I have been bouncing on…
Labour Induction (Not for me)
Three times I have been offered Labour Induction with no medical grounds. I find it appalling that this can be offered so easily and without informing me of the BENEFITS or RISKS. See the post on BRAIN acronym and in more detail how I have used it to challenge this here. I ask you to read the NICE guidelines on labour induction here This is an excerpt below from the website: “Induced labour has an impact on the birth experience of women. It may be less efficient and is usually more painful than spontaneous labour, and epidural analgesia and assisted delivery are more likely to be required. Induction of labour is a relatively…
BRAIN Acronym
BRAIN ACRONYM – is useful to use when you are not sure what to do in a situation which requires you to make a decision. It is one of the most useful pieces of information I have come across and I will use it in other aspects of my life. I have talked about how I used this in more detail in another post here. B – What are the BENEFITS R – What are the RISKS A – What are the ALTERNATIVES I – What is my INSTINCT telling me N – What if I do NOTHING for now, 15mins, 60mins
Ovulation & Conception
I have had two miscarriages before this 3rd planned pregnancy, I am 40 weeks and 3 days waiting for Wiggle to arrive. All three pregnancies I have been in control off they have been planned and I have used my chart to conceive. I monitored my chart so I wouldn’t get pregnant but then I was pretty knowledgeable when I could. I was on the list for IVF after being told I didn’t qualify for IVF originally, see post Rhesus Negative when I conceived naturally. I am no text book as I always say but unfortunately you are treated as if you have a 28 day cycle, you ovulate on day 14,…
Zodiac Signs
I am still waiting 40 weeks 3 days. So part of my story that I need to write up about was about this conception and pregnancy. I followed my ovulation charts and in the month I conceived this baby I’d put in my diary which was a Thursday go to see my partner (when I predicted ovulation). I never visit my partner mid week because I don’t like to travel and with working on the Friday but I knew that I had to take the chance. We live separate. On the day I felt weary and was going to pass on it. I received a message from an astrologer friend…
Delayed Cord Clamping
This is something I am very passionate about. Most of what I have discovered I realised was good before really researching it. My instinct told me that delayed cord clamping was the right thing to do for baby. (Image added 2020) We are so lucky to be having babies as this positive birth movement progresses. We need educating and we need to educate each other by sharing knowledge and learning. When a baby is born it’s placenta is what has provided it with everything baby needs to grow. When they used to cut the cord straight away 1/3 blood volume was left behind. You can request that the cord is…
40 Weeks EDD
Today is the big day 26th March 2018 my estimated due date (EDD). I am 40 weeks! Except there is no baby but I always new that the estimated due date for me was not going to be relative because I am no text book and I do not fit into that range. They also predict the date based on the first day of the last period, so in theory, if you do follow the NHS textbook you can not even conceive for the first two weeks. I conceived on and around day 9. See post here. Anyway I was in the very early stages, my examination and notes confirm…
ALL EXPECTANT LADIES OR ANYONE WITH AN INTEREST IN PREGNANCY AND BIRTH THIS IS FOR YOU! The Positive Birth Company Digital Pack I have found an online digital Hypnobirthing course that I am so passionate about sharing. It is filled with useful information, content and resources. Even if you think Hypnobirthing is not for you, it covers so many aspects towards a positive birth regardless of what way that goes. It is an affordable price and worth every penny of £35 and you can purchase by following the link. Six plus hours worth of videos and a course booklet along with some amazing MP3 guided meditations and more. You…
No news
After the consultation on Thursday and being 1cm dilated and all things pointing downwards and in position, along with reading my notes, I knew birth was imminent. However nature takes it’s own course and I am still waiting although it is only Saturday. I have had a lot of “lightening” which feels like the baby is head butting my cervix which is a positive movement as that’s what stimulates the body to then release hormones for labour to progress. On Thursday night after my massage I was very uncomfortable but I had downloaded a digital course on Hypnobirthing and after listening to that and doing breathing exercises I felt really…
Dowsing update
The dowsing I clearly did was incorrect. I could of easily deleted the post but there is a story. When I lived in Spain I applied for a job. I asked my browser if I would get the job and it said “yes but I didn’t get the job. Two years later I applied for a job in the same restaurant but different owners and I got the job. So you have to be careful how you ask and word questions. Perhaps my baby will be born 23rd March but a different baby in the future. Perhaps not! It was all for fun anyway and I think I’ll stop dowsing…
Feeling Emotional
This time last year I was loosing my 2nd planned pregnancy within 7 months of loosing my first planned pregnancy from 2016. My 2nd pregnancy was only 5 weeks old but it nevertheless shattered me once again. My 1st planned pregnancy was 11 weeks old. You don’t get any support under about 7 weeks and so I was told to go home and ride through it basically. It would be like a heavy period. I was devastated. I felt that someone choosing to loose their baby were offered more support than me, I wasn’t even offered a tablet to help it along. They made me feel like 5 weeks…
I had my appointment with the consultant this morning and after last night’s restlessness and an examination it seems I am in early Labour! Perhaps my dowsing is correct this time, maybe not, we will see but I am feeling as the day goes on like I am progressing. I was offered a sweep that I declined but she did examine me to see how the cervix was presenting and it was 1-2cm dilated, low and she could feel the babies head! So it could be hours, days or even a week!
Restless night!
You don’t always get what you wish for. I was exhausted after the reflexology and was ready for sleep. The other evening at the Spring Equinox get together I’d found a lovely meditation on You Tube so I thought I would play a few of those to relax my breathing and mind even more. I think my intake of oxygen although very relaxing stimulated my body and mind. Along with some very uncomfortable sensations from Wiggle to the point I wondered if it was the start of Labour. I was then restless and awake throughout the night. My right side of my body in the hip area cramped up so…
I regularly have complementary therapies to help with my health and wellbeing. I have different therapists I see for different needs such as a sports massage for my back issues, Reiki when i feel out of balance energetically, Reflexology for balance and relaxation and so on. My journey working with Sheila my reflexologist started after my miscarriage and saw me through another miscarriage and then this pregnancy. I honestly don’t know if I’d of coped without that support for my body and my mind. Reflexology works on the principle that everything that you are is reflected in the feet and so by working on the feet you are treating…
This is a quick post about dowsing. It’s just for fun really to test my dowsing abilities. Dowsing stems from civilisations when metal rods were used to find water pathways among other uses. This site is interesting if you would like to learn more. https://www.britishdowsers.org/learn/ I do have an interest in the “alternative” which for me is a huge umbrella of different topics of interest. I am interested in Crystals, Chakras, Auras, Energy, Aromatherapy, Plants and the list goes on. Dowsing is something I have always tried to do using a crystal that is a pendulum swinging in either a clockwise, anticlockwise or neutral direction. I do believe crystals…