Inducing Labour,  Meditation & Relaxation,  Pregnant,  Waiting for baby

40 Weeks EDD

Today is the big day 26th March 2018 my estimated due date (EDD). I am 40 weeks!

Except there is no baby but I always new that the estimated due date for me was not going to be relative because I am no text book and I do not fit into that range. They also predict the date based on the first day of the last period, so in theory, if you do follow the NHS textbook you can not even conceive for the first two weeks. I conceived on and around day 9. See post here.

Anyway I was in the very early stages, my examination and notes confirm that babies head was engaged but somehow by Saturday it had disengaged!

Clearly not ready to enter this world yet and tricking us all, I am wondering if it will be an April fool’s baby.

I have been having regular Reflexology treatments just to relax and balance me that will help me prepare for birth. I have also been resting a lot but after an active day so a good combination.

Baby will come when ready. I have had a scan today to check blood flow and all seems to be good the placenta is fine and so I am so glad I did not listen to the consultant two weeks ago.

Let nature take its own course. Why do people want their babies out if not needed medically. I feel this is a selfish act or lack of education.

I was shocked to hear today people requesting induction at 34 weeks. What is the hurry. This nuturing time for baby is so important. I just don’t get it.

When I met this new consultant today she asked me why I didn’t want an INDUCTION. Her way was quite abrupt and so I thought she was querying my rejection of it. I said at 37 and 38 weeks you think that is OK when there are no medical grounds?

She said she was just interested in my rejection and so I explained and she agreed all was well and I could go to 42 weeks that I’m not classed as old until 40. What did our ancestors do in the caves when age didn’t exist!

So I am feeling calm and good. Enjoying some me time. I have felt that for 5 years all I have done is focus on my business and nothing outside of that.

I realise becoming a Mum is going to consume me but at least I can go and do fun things at the same time.

I am apprehensive about the birth but I saw my baby yawn today, I saw his/her cheeks nose and mouth and I thought blimey I will be meeting my baby soon.

I intend to treasure every last minute while my womb protects my child. Baby will come when baby is ready. A miracle.

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