Ovulation & Conception
I have had two miscarriages before this 3rd planned pregnancy, I am 40 weeks and 3 days waiting for Wiggle to arrive.
All three pregnancies I have been in control off they have been planned and I have used my chart to conceive. I monitored my chart so I wouldn’t get pregnant but then I was pretty knowledgeable when I could.
I was on the list for IVF after being told I didn’t qualify for IVF originally, see post Rhesus Negative when I conceived naturally.
I am no text book as I always say but unfortunately you are treated as if you have a 28 day cycle, you ovulate on day 14, you check progesterone levels 7 days after on day 21 and your results are based on that. Lucky for me I was in control of my blood tests and results.
I’d miscarried March 2017 and conceived by June 2017 with I think 1 or 2 months break as I had planned a last holiday adventure on my own. So I had managed to conceive pretty quick.
I am lucky as I am a 28 day cycle
29th June I was on day 9 of my cycle which is actually early for a 28 day cycle but I had the signs I was ovulating.
5th July I had an implantation bleed
12th July I had HCG bloods taken
14th July they came back about 9
I knew I was pregnant. The Doctor argued against my results saying they had to be over 25 (text book). I knew anything over 5 for me was positive. I left bought a test and got a faint line. I was pregnant.
I had my bloods done again and they were high and doubling to multiple levels meaning could there be more than one. There is one. I was definitely pregnant!
There is a lot of background to my journey and how I feel it led up to it including my experiences with Reflexology and Visualisation.
The night I went over to my partners house mid week we went for a walk and an owl flew over us and circled it’s head around us very slowly like it was blessing us. I honour nature. I said the owl has just blessed us. I go and thank the owl and owls are around for my baby we have Ollie the owl!
I’d been visiting Hebden Bridge and the tree that I prayed to for blessings from nature. I prayed and worked hard on myself, it began in 2016 after my first planned pregnancy ended see image below.
The picture below is at Dent Beer and Music Festival when I’d just found out I was pregnant. I didn’t tell my partner until the next day I wanted to double check! It was an amazing moment to have. A positive test will never be the same as that day because with loss came fear of more loss.
I can only share my story. I am not saying that if you have been told you can’t conceive pray and visualise and you will be ok. My journey and beliefs are individual to me. I didn’t give up but that’s my nature.
I just believe that you have to challenge what is said to you. I could of given up from my first blood results but they changed each time and coincided with my stress levels.
It upsets me to think a person can be refused IVF because they do not fit into a range. Equally you have to be pro-active and want to be healthy. I cut down on alcohol, I swam, I spent money on vitamins and complementary therapies. There was a lot I had to put in and it wasn’t an easy journey to be where I am but I had my own faith and determination.
I just wish and hope other ladies look into and research as much as you can. Stand your ground and if you believe in something don’t give up.
A book I really recommend to read and use is