Meditation & Relaxation

Restless night!

You don’t always get what you wish for. I was exhausted after the reflexology and was ready for sleep. The other evening at the Spring Equinox get together I’d found a lovely meditation on You Tube so I thought I would play a few of those to relax my breathing and mind even more.

I think my intake of oxygen although very relaxing stimulated my body and mind. Along with some very uncomfortable sensations from Wiggle to the point I wondered if it was the start of Labour. I was then restless and awake throughout the night.

My right side of my body in the hip area cramped up so much then my right calf. Throughout my pregnancy because I have remained so active and had massages/Reflexology, I have been really lucky to not have had many physical issues.

I am now waiting to see my consultant which is all stemming from Saturdays appointment talk about induction. Baby has been active and all feels well so hopefully I can continue with a natural birth.

Here is the link for a playlist of some of the meditations I did. Very powerful and some are short enough so not to much commitment if you struggle to do these. It is so important to take time out and deeply relax as much as you can.


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